Personal View


Protesters in a pacific move against heavy armed police forces

Protesters in a pacific move against heavy armed police forces

History is on its way in France, with its yellow vest insurrection and I couldn’t let it go without being part of …

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New Awards

Most of the essential class is organized in classroom but Photography walk for practice is part of the program.

Most of the essential class is organized in classroom but Photography walk for practice is part of the program.

By expressing their satisfaction through their testimonial, my formner students are delivering the best award I can dream of. By Franc Péret …

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Personal View

Advanced or Essential?

The left part of the montage is an Advanced workshop (shot by one of my student, Liam) while the right part is the type of things you are going to learn how to shoot during the Essential Class.

The left part of the montage is an Advanced workshop (shot by one of my student, Liam) while the right part is the type of things you are going to learn how to shoot during the Essential Class.

Which course to choose? Advanced or Essential class? I am often receiving this question when time comes to enroll to one of …

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