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Latest Advanced Workshop


Flower and Magic Puff power...

"Flower and Magic Puff power..." Lighting Set up: Franc / Concept and Model: Dean / Shot: Franc with Sony A7M2 + Nikon AI AUTO 50 mm F/1.4 (old Manual focus lens)

The concept of this workshop is to turn students into different characters, by building a scene with a certain mood, posture, and …

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2014 Advanced Workshop

Portraits With Light

Ray, the Ultimate Relation Therapist. His line could be: "No more problem with your wife, colleague, or neighbors..."

Ray, the Ultimate Relation Therapist. His line could be: "No more problem with your wife, colleague, or neighbors..."

Here are some sample of works done with my students during the Advanced Photography Workshop I am organizing in Shanghai. This time, …

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2014 Advanced Workshop

Painting With Light

13 seconds exposure time, few torch and a remote flash are enough to create magic. I forgot to mention the sunglasses!

13 seconds exposure time, few torch and a remote flash are enough to create magic. I forgot to mention the sunglasses!

Here are some sample of works done with my students during the Advanced Photography Workshop I am organizing in Shanghai. This time, …

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