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Protesters in a pacific move against heavy armed police forces

Protesters in a pacific move against heavy armed police forces

History is on its way in France, with its yellow vest insurrection and I couldn’t let it go without being part of …

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Photography Tips


Apolline running after her shadow under the sun. Nikon D750 ISO100 1/3200s with 85 mm f/1.4 @ f/1.8

Apolline running after her shadow under the winter sun. Nikon D750 ISO100 1/3200s with 85 mm f/1.4 @ f/1.8

For beginners, a good photography starts with a good subject. While progressing, the quality of light becomes a priority over subject, as …

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Photography Tips

The 3 Steps of Photography

Apolline in Sunflower field. Grabbing special moments quickly, with the right exposure and focus, while Composing the shot the best you can is the basic need of photography.

Apolline in Sunflower field. Grabbing special moments quickly, with the right exposure and focus, while Composing the shot the best you can is the basic need of photography.

I am used to divide my Essential Photography course in three steps. First, providing essential technical knowledge. Second, explaining essential composition rules. …

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Latest Advanced Workshop


Flower and Magic Puff power...

"Flower and Magic Puff power..." Lighting Set up: Franc / Concept and Model: Dean / Shot: Franc with Sony A7M2 + Nikon AI AUTO 50 mm F/1.4 (old Manual focus lens)

The concept of this workshop is to turn students into different characters, by building a scene with a certain mood, posture, and …

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Photography Tips

Mastering Black and White

A selfie of me and my little one. Strong sun (contrast and hard shadow) is your best friend for B&W. It also allows you to shoot faster (to freeze motion) while using a smaller aperture on a base ISO to get more sharpness, more details and more depth of field.

A selfie of me and my little one. Strong sun (contrast and hard shadow) is your best friend for B&W. It also allows you to shoot faster (to freeze motion) while using a smaller aperture on a base ISO to get more sharpness, more details and more depth of field.

Many amateur photographer think that to achieve a black and white picture they just need to get rid of the color of …

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