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Force and Disorder

Force and Disorder

I am working on the publication of my first book of photographs, built around my 2 years of photographic reporting on social movements in France. Here is an overview, even if nothing is final and far from it!
Franc Peret

Je travaille à la publication de mon premier livre de photographies, construit autour de mes 2 années de reportage photographique sur les mouvements sociaux en France. En voici un aperçu, même si rien n’est définitif, loin de là !

Nightstick Republic and Chained Champs Elysee
Street Medics vs Street riot control
Squad on Place de l’Etoile and mounted police next to Eiffel Tower
The gassed gassers
Water cannon vs burning garbages on Champs Elysees
Fire fighters VS Pyromaniacs
The weapon and the wounded
Fearless Close contact
Arrest under the boots