Short Film from my Class


This story unveiled both magical and funny characters who seemed to start a day, like any other, in their living space, but in fact, all of the performance is part of a magical show.

By Franc Peret

This short Film was shot with my filmmaking students back in Fall 2014, but for multiple and unfortunate setbacks, I was able to finalize this editing in 2018 only.
It was tough, fun and exciting to accomplish this 3 minutes and 30 seconds pieces (written, prepared and shot) in about 15 hours shooting, parts of the 25 hours http://francperet.comclasses/film-courses/).
Shooting time lasts 3 afternoons, all in a very small 50 m2 flat I was living in at that time.
It was convenient for me to shoot there as all my equipment (lighting, rigs, cameras, and lenses) was stored there.
I saved lots of time in transportation and set up prior to the students’ arrival

Editing takes the longest part and is mainly done after the course.
5 students took part in the course and one of them, Charles Regaud, composed a specific soundtrack for it, tailor-made to the (almost) final edit.
Great memories indeed.