Spring 2015 Product Shot

Red cocktail. Panasonic GH4 and Lumix 42.5mm f1.2 @ f1.2
Wednesday June 3 rd and Saturday June 13th
SHAPING OBJECTS WITH LIGHT – PRODUCT SHOT WORKSHOP for creating atmosphere and presenting products
Being Attractive
If you remember my teaching, you should know that light and composition are more important than the subject itself. There is nothing more true to illustrate this concept than product shot. Product shots are usually done for commercial purpose, and pictures have to be more attractive than the object its self to be considered as successful.
The Magic of light shaping
By learning how to use Light sources, a professional photographer is going to achieve that result, but each object will represent a different challenge according its shape, its reflection, its purpose and the target mood.
Case by Case study
A slice of pizza is not light up and shot the same way than a camera, a jewel or a shower head… Only the understanding of quality of light, family of angle, masking with shadow and post processing can make a good shot possible.
Unique Workshop
Few students will have the chance to participate to this unique workshop I am organizing on that topic, on June 3rd or June 13th. This first part will concern the shooting session and you just need to sign up for one of those two dates to cover it.
Later on, a second part will be dedicated to the post processing of the pictures on Photoshop and workshop timing will be announced later on in June.
June Wednesday 3rd th or Saturday 13th,
Pick up your day and Sign up !
1 – Introduction
Wednesday December 3rd and Saturday June 13th, I am organizing a Special and Brand new Advanced Photography Workshops open to any of my actual and past students present in Shanghai.
2 – Topic
How to shoot professional looking product shots, such as jewelry or food (and other small and medium size products), with cost saving light and solution.
3 – Timing
First You have to choose the day you want to join: Wednesday or Saturday.
The workshop will be split in 2 parts with a one hour lunch break in the middle.
– Morning from 10:00 am to 12:30 = Description of Camera settings, presentation of the different type of light, products and equipment set up with shooting demonstration.
– Afternoon from 1:30 to 4:00 pm = Students practical shooting on different set up.
4 – Location
According the number of student who will sign up, it will be in my office or in a classroom nearby.
Up to 5 students, it will be in my office.
Over than this number, it will be in my former classroom. Both locations are 10 minutes walk from subway line 4, very close to Xujiahui. You will get precise description of the location when signing up.
5 – Equipment needed.
Just your camera and a zoom lens + a tripod + a prime lens. Something to take note (you will have to take more note than shooting in the morning).
6 – Limitation
4 people mini – 10 people max.
7 – Cost and Sign up process
900 RMB for the day.
Please contact me by email for signing up and for getting more detailed information. francperet@hotmail.com
Former ELC Photography teacher, Franc Peret is teaching Essential Photography Classes, Advanced Photography Workshop and Film Making Classes in Shanghai, for the last 10 years.