2015 Advanced Workshop

Behind The Scene (Portrait)

Ingrid sitting in front of a group of classmates

Ingrid sitting in front of a group of classmates

I am always sharing the final results of the pictures session done during my Advanced Photography Class I am organizing in Shanghai. This time, I am also willing to share some interesting behind the scene Portrait session shots.

By Franc Peret

Nathalis is surrounded by a classic lighting set up with key light. kick light and background light.

The idea is to show that my location, my equipment and my set up are nothing fancy, but everything is done for a reason: achieving the picture i designed in my mind.
As I am teaching in my different courses, one key word in Photography is “Anticipation”.
In studio, this means to come with a specific concept for every character.

A PAR LED light is position next to Nathalie to cover the complete background with a red tint.

Setting up the light is the most important step, picture does belong the person who had done that job more than to the person who pressed the button of the camera.

3 lights set up for Ingrid: Key light, kick light and a reflected background light. The reflector helps to open up a bit the shadows, as Ingrid is wearing a hat.

Most of students posing does not need direction during the shooting session as the shot had been technically discussed through reference before it is set up.

Wearing the tee-shirt “Made in China”, I am always doing the first test shot in spot metering to deliver the exposure to students (photo by Natalia).
Anna posing under lighting

In term of composition, options are limited as, in cinematography, the positioning of the different lights is determinate by the position of the camera.

The black flag cut off the key light spill to the background.
Beverley “giving it all” for good

Therefore, each student shoot a series of quick shots before leaving the best position to his/her classmate. Those few minutes break allows to check the result (exposure and focus) before to go for another load of shots.

Christiane, Dorit and Sara being shot by their classmates
The LED is turned the the back of the performer to create a rim of light around their silhouette.

Former ELC Photography teacher, Franc Peret is teaching Essential Photography Classes, Advanced Photography Workshop and Film Making Classes in Shanghai, for the last 10 years.