"Flower and Magic Puff power..." Lighting Set up: Franc / Concept and Model: Dean / Shot: Franc with Sony A7M2 + Nikon AI AUTO 50 mm F/1.4 (old Manual focus lens)
The concept of this workshop is to turn students into different characters, by building a scene with a certain mood, posture, and situation. Then, we take a shot which looks like a frame extracted from a movie.
By Franc Peret and his Advanced Students
The mood is created by the location, the actor’s position, and facial expression, the props (accessories) but most importantly by the lighting which is a key feature in term of storytelling.
Sometimes complex, sometimes simpler, the set up is dedicated to the story and often involve 4 lights: Key, Kick (or hair), Background and Ambiance (or eyes) light.
Accessories, if well balanced, can complete the illusion, as well as makeup, costume, and hairstyle.
I am used to setting challenging lighting for filmmaking and It is much more interesting to work on this type of project in an average location (Apartment Hotel) than to do modeling or beauty shot in an immaculate and dedicated (and somehow boring) photography studio.
Model: Fabrice and Nils / Shot: Franc with Sony A7M2 + Nikon AI AUTO 50 mm F/1.4
None of those pictures would ever exist without the character (acting) and the lighting.
The photographer is the least important part of the equation. None of those shots belong to the person who had pressed the shutter button.
Shot: Monja with Canon 5D IV and 50 mm f/1.4
Forgetting to mention the teamwork in the credit of the photography would be completely dishonest from the photographer.
Shot: Franc with Panasonic Lumix G85 and Leica 25mm f/1.4
Every shot has to be linked to a team of an Art director (concept), actor, Director of photography (light) and Photographer…
Filmmaking is a very important addition to anyone Photography experience, as working alone is not helping much personal improvement, while shooting a movie is a teamwork of added values and there is always so much to learn from others…
Franc Peret
Shots with my advanced students: Dean, Fabrice, Nils, Qiong, Matteo, Jonathan, Monja, Kerstin, Novita and Magdalena.
Former photo journalist, Film maker and ELC Shanghai Photography teacher, Franc Peret is teaching Essential Photography Classes, Advanced Photography Workshop and Film Making Classes in Shanghai, for the last 11 years.
If you wish to contact Franc, just drop an email to