Dantes – Shanghai
This Music video is targeting Chinese market, my first attempt of Music video there with a camera I discovered few days before shooting. …
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This Music video is targeting Chinese market, my first attempt of Music video there with a camera I discovered few days before shooting. …
One of my very first class, shooting in the street with students for ELC Shanghai
When The Expat Learning Center suddenly Closed down after the Spring 2014 term, it took me by great surprise as business was …
Learning to use a camera in any condition for great composition
I cannot say enough about Franc Peret as a teacher and professional photographer. He is a self-taught photographer and filmmaker who freely …
Boring? No the class is not. The sleeping guy is not one of my student.
For those who are thinking of having lessons with Franc: What can you say about the man with the Inspector Clouseau* accent? …
Not only trash cans are inspiring topics, here is another subject.
If you want to learn about photography AND have a lot of fun, Franc is the perfect teacher. He is a very …
To be or not to be a photographer, that is the question!
I could talk for a long time about what I got (and continue getting) out of Franc’s classes. To sum it up, …
A student finding stability with her own method during a night shooting session
The class with Franc helped me to discover a lot of small details that make a true difference when taking pictures. By …
Dominant blue; drying clothes, jacket, jeans, shirt, boxes and... sky
I took a few photography classes in recent years since I started taking an interest in photography and I must say Franc …
Lee playing a homeless during an advanced class photography workshop (photo: F. Peret)
I would like to say thanks for everything you taught me over the two courses I did. I had wanted to get …
Seeing things differently from the same point of view.
I attended Franc’s Introduction to Photography course at ELC because I had a passion for photography an SLR camera and no idea …