Behind The Scene (Portrait)

Ingrid sitting in front of a group of classmates
I am always sharing the final results of the pictures session done during my Advanced Photography Class I am organizing in Shanghai. …
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Ingrid sitting in front of a group of classmates
I am always sharing the final results of the pictures session done during my Advanced Photography Class I am organizing in Shanghai. …
I did this video while running my usual filmmaking class at Expat Learning center in Shanghai. This is the first time I …
Dagmar and her quill searching inspiration
Here are some sample of works done with my students during my Spring 2015 Advanced Photography Class I am organizing in Shanghai. …
Femme Fatale on a Chair 1
Here are some sample of works done with my students during my Spring 2015 Advanced Photography Class I am organizing in Shanghai. …
Saturday Night Fever Harald
Here are some sample of works done with my students during my Spring 2015 Advanced Photography Class I am organizing in Shanghai. …
Martin is performing Watzefuk with great talent. His second nature?
Here are some sample of works done with my students during my Spring 2015 Advanced Photography Class I am organizing in Shanghai. …
Nathalie is sharing good time with Ingrid in Franc's Advanced Photography Course
Here are some sample of works done with my students during the Spring 2015 Advanced Photography Workshop I am organizing in Shanghai. …
Cocktails and Shaker (cropped). NIkon D800 and Pentax 67 75mm f2.8
I had a chance to do a great set of pictures for the presentation of a new brand sold on Amazon. By …
Picture session in Shanghai Street with some students from my 2005 and 2006 Classes
From now on, I am going to collect and add to this post my Photography Class students group pictures, starting from the …
Liam: The Magic Broom2
Here are some sample of works done with my students during the Advanced Photography Workshop I am organizing in Shanghai. This time, …