Did my teaching changed your life (even a bit)?

Franc's Essential Photography Class was a pioneer in Street photography in Shanghai, an activity taught to more than 600 students since 2005
I dropped this question on my facebook timeline and I got so many interesting comments that I wanted to share to everyone on my website.
By Franc peret and his student
Did my teaching changed your life (even a bit)? Did you start your own photography career or activities after your participation to my class? Hope I planted some seeds, opened up new experiences and inspired some of you!
I know that I am having at least a dozen of my past students who told me about this or who started their studio, created their website or are doing business in photography now and I think it could be nice to share it here. Who want to start?
Thanks to all of you for your genuine comments.
Highly appreciated!
Sabine Gösker
Hi Franc, yes it did.
I think I was in your first class many years ago (2006?)….
Back then you said that the class might trigger a professional photographer career.
I though “well ya, sure…..” but got the bug and all I wanted to do ever since, was photography.
Many moves later, I landed in Vienna, where I intend to settle and stay for good.
And I wanted to pursue my own career. Which was, due to regulations, not possible in Austria.
But this year all that changed, plus I sat for another few classes in a photography school, and will sit for the master class next year.
I am currently in the process of starting my own photography school and -studio, but I can tell, it is a long way to go. I am sitting here in the middle of boxes and should actually be mounting my backgrounds to the walls…..
Diana Stürm
It did change my life in such way that I do not leave the house without camera, I have always my small nikon pocket camera with me and my mobile phone, just in case I see something beautiful to shoot. Sometimes I plan a photo tour on my bike or with the car where I take my DSLR and my lenses with me and indeed your recommendation for the 50 glas was perfect it is my favorite lens for street photography which really is my favorite subject.
I think I shot like 6000 pictures in my short stay in Shanghai. When coming back to Belgium I had the feeling I saw the world differently – like thousands of opportunities to eternalize moments, landscapes, people, animals…. as mentioned earlier I took part in a competition and I won the 4th prize!
There were professionals competing too and I got to expose my picture!! I was really proud that moment and felt happy on how much I had learned in that course with Franc! Do I dream of taking it more serious or even professionally? Yes but there is still some way for that – maybe travel photography or just make bands of street photography.
I started to work on a project while in Shanghai but the language barrier when talking with my subjects I wanted to portray was a bit a problem.
I also see that photography has helped me a lot with drawing and digital painting on how to put more life in my creations. I know that the photography bug has bitten me and am so glad it did!
Lee Webb
Doing the classes definitely opened up new opportunities for me.
Like others, I’ve got a website. Mine is all about manual focus lenses, a niche I got interested in back when I was doing the beginner class.
I only bought my first one because native NEX lenses were so expensive, but now I only ever use manual focus lenses.
I’ve also sold a couple of photos through an online agency. Think one was for a travel brochure, not sure the other.
Currently waiting to hear if I’ve been successful with getting a regular writing gig for a photography website far bigger than my own, and would never have had that chance without the knowledge gained from Franc’s classes.
Have also been invited to spend a month in Uganda next summer, photographing and writing for a charity that I help out with. Again, that wouldn’t have ever come about if I hadn’t taken the classes.
Anke Kroener
I was in your first class in 2006, too! Wow, long time ago!
Fran Gubbey
It did !!! Thanks x
Richard Williams
Well after getting me started with the technical side, motivating me and your conditinued bad english I still have yet to have my own website or studio.
However anyone can view my images ( https://www.facebook.com/Richard.Williams.Image ) oh and a bit of my work is being shown in an exhibition. your enthusiasm is infectious.
Sandra YounHee Brännberg Rosenberg
Your classes change my life a lot! Before I didn’t know anything about the technique…
Now I have at least a clue, but still a long way to go.
Anyway I love taking pictures, so thanks a lot for giving me the opportunity to do better! – even if my language skills hasn’t increased ^^
Gunilla Nyborg
Oh yes Franc, u truly have inspired me a lot awesome photography combined with so much fun; studio class and street shooting, all of it gave me so much knowledge and inspiration!
And more, our XiaMen trip… Unforgettable!
I never leave the house without my camera, just in case…
At the moment I shoot more nature/landscape as that’s what Sweden is about:) I do miss the SH street photography though! Can’t wait to join if you organise something in Europe! I have my own photograpy page; www.facebook.com/GunillaNyborgPhotography
Agnes Chang
Hiii Franc! Good to see you here. I was in your very first class in SH as well (in 2005 or 06 probably?).
You are the best teacher ever.
Unfortunately I didn’t become a photographer, but I do take pictures whenever I feel like it.
I’ve been posting some of my photos here: http://agneschang.vsco.co
Smita Singh
Yes it did I take better pictures now…especially when it comes to my daughter.
Now I know not to ask her to pose.
I just keep talking to her, make her laugh, tell her stories and catch many many beautiful expressions. It’s priceless. I remember you once shared this tip in the class room.
Thanks Franc