1988 Concert in Paris

As a photo journalist, I always grab the opportunity to try something new and challenging, in term of working condition and lighting. In 1988, I got a pass from one of my friends involved in the organization of the Paris show of “Johnny”, a (still) huge star in France.
Photos: Franc Péret
With the backstage access, I got the opportunity to stand before the first raw of the public (50 000 people), with few other photographers, just in front of the performance.
I set up my Nikon FE2 manually, checking from time to time the right exposure on the shubject’s skin.
Getting the right (manual) focus and being in tune with the movement of the singer to get him as sharp as possible were also challenging in such a changing environment.
To get slide good enough for publishing, there was no way to use more than ISO400.
Beside my technical brainstorming, I was amazed by the atmosphere of the show and the emotion shared between the performers and the public.
My set of pictures stay few years in News agencies such as Gamma and Arenok (shot on Kodak slide ISO400).
Franc Peret is teaching Essential Photography Classes, Advanced Photography Workshop and Film Making Classes in Shanghai